11th European Meeting of Grassroots Communities
Pesaro (Italy) – 20, 21 and 22 September 2024
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The chosen theme is ‘Spirituality’ and the title will be
Towards an open spirituality
Which spiritual approach in a world in search of meaning?
The chosen theme Spirituality emerged from a reflection started at the European CBC Collective in Lyon in October 2022.
The opening lecture will be given by José Arregi, Spanish theologian from the Basque Country -> [ josearregi.com/ ]
Reflection will be inspired by the article ‘God as the creative force of the universe’ -> [ text ]
In particular with reference to the following aspects
– the religiosity-spirituality distinction
– the scientific point of view
– eco-spirituality
– the question of evil and freedom
Below two significant statements that emerged from the debate.
Johan Bergé – Flemish Belgium
A spirituality that is open to any view of life, be it religious or human. This implies, among other things, that no philosophy of life is superior to that of another. We start from the principle that people develop and live their spirituality according to their culture, education and experiences, and the development of their awareness and state of mind at that time. And also from the conviction that the ecological transition will not happen without a spiritual transformation.(*)
(*)Developed in particular in the film ‘Des arbres qui marchent’ by the Mouvement pour un Monde Meilleur https://desarbresquimarchent.com/
Gilbert Clavel – France
What does the word spirituality evoke in you?
What spiritual approach do you consider important in our communities, or on a personal level,in the current context: a society that does not name God, consumerism, war, climate change, migration, etc.?
What practical applications does this have?